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So far for new routines

So far for doing a blogpost everyday, after 2 days I'm failing already! Luckily there are things in life we just can't ignore or forget...

Looking forward to today!

So for a while everyone has been struggling with meeting up with friends, am I wrong? So today I finally meeting up with my bestie here,...

Am i a writer?

So you won't guess from the amount of blogs posts I wrote, but I always had this secret dream of publishing a book, but why would I? I do...

Getting back to business

Business wise So my cups are getting fired in Israel, my necklaces in Holland, glazing wil be done right after. Im in a conversation with...

Life changing

Waking up in the morning with a baby on my arm, my daughter comes from the bedroom and joins the party, we are watching something on the...


I've been Slacking BIG time, completely aware of it, completely guilty about it, and the same time I know I shouldn't.. What happened...

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